Highlights: Barcelona - Zaragoza (Liga BBVA)


Stay tuned for the Barça vs. Zaragoza match highlights here.

(6-1) 85:54        Goal!!    Goal by Keita  Header After a corner kick taken by Iniesta. From inside the area.

Barcelona 6 - Zaragoza 1 (Keita)

(5-1) 80:40        Goal!!   Goal by Messi  with left foot. After a pass from Iniesta. He was in the 18-yard box.

Barcelona 5 - Zaragoza 1 (Messi)

(4-1) 78:04        Goal!!    Goal by Jorge López. The pass was from Lafita.

Barcelona 4 - Zaragoza 1 (Jorge Lopez)

(4-0) 56:18        Goal!!    Goal by Ibrahimovic He got the ball from Keita. From inside the area.

Barcelona 4 - Zaragoza 0 (Ibrahimovic)

Second Half

End of Fist Half
(3-0) 40:05 Keita again!! He kicks to score after an Ibrahimovic pass

Barcelona 3 - Zaragoza 0 (Keita)

(2-0) 28:36 Ibrahimovic scores from a free throw. Great goal.

Barcelona 2 - Zaragoza 0 - (Ibrahimovic)

(1-0) 23:54 Keita scores with a header. Messi passed the ball.

Barcelona 1 - Zaragoza 0 (Keita)

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